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Bjurfors Whistleblower Policy

Bjurfors Whistleblower Policy

Bjurfors strives to have an open business climate, high business ethics and healthy employees. Our employees, customers and suppliers are our most important sources of insight into any shortcomings that need to be rectified.

As our company is a value-driven business, we want those who suspect any misconduct, which is contrary to our values, business ethics or current legislation, to have the opportunity to speak without fear of retaliation. You can choose to submit your report anonymously. To protect informants, we have a whistleblower policy with an associated reporting function.

Whistleblowing means drawing the management's attention to potentially illegal and / or unethical activity, also known as missconduct.

What can be reported?
Through this function, suspicion of serious irregularities can be reported. Serious misconducts include:

  • Economic crime such as bribery, theft, fraud and forgery, accounting fraud and other breaches of accounting and tax laws
  • A conflict of interest between an employee and Bjurfors
  • Other serious misconducts affecting our vital interests or the lives and health of individuals, such as serious environmental crimes, major deficiencies in workplace safety and serious forms of discrimination and harassment.

Who can report?
The reporting routine can be used by all employees (regardless of type of employment) in all our companies. Suppliers, former employees, etc. can also use the function.

How to report other errands?
Other types of cases such as disputes, errors, complaints, minor crimes, dissatisfaction with salary will not be considered as a whistleblower case and should not be reported via this system. These matters must primarily be reported to supervisor or another member of the management team

To ensure your anonymity, a reporting tool is provided by an external and independent partner. The reporting channel is encrypted, and password protected. You never have to reveal your identity if you do not want to. You can choose to report through:

Reporting tool: https://bjurfors.whistlelink.com/

Phone: Service Office days CET 09:00–17:00 +46 (0)770455563

Personal meeting: Please call or notify through the reporting tool that you want a meeting

  • You do not have to have proof of your suspicion, but no accusation can be made with malicious intent or with the knowledge that the accusation is false
  • It is important that you describe all the facts in the case, including the circumstances that you think are less important
  • Please develop your statement carefully and attach anything that may be relevant.

Who will receive the report?
All reports are received by an external partner with long experience of whistleblower cases and related investigations. No information about you will be disclosed unless you have given your permission. You choose if you want to be completely anonymous to the independent partners investigator or if you want to communicate your identity.

Within a week after your report been submitted, you can log in with your personal login and password to see any follow-up questions / comments. You can follow up your case through the reporting tool. Make sure you have written down the case number and the code that you receive when you file your report. Log in regularly as the investigators may need to ask you supplementary questions and, in some cases, want to act quickly. Within three months, you will receive a status update.

Privacy and anonymity
Our values great importance to the protection of personal privacy. The rights of persons who appear in cases within the whistleblower process are protected in accordance with current data protection laws. Personal data included in the case management and investigation documentation will be deleted after the investigation has been completed, except for cases where applicable laws state that personal data must be saved. In other respects, reference is made to Bjurfors personal data policy.

We will investigate all cases that are reported. It is important that every individual who raises the alarm really suspects that there is a serious misconduct. Bjurfors takes deliberately false or malicious accusations seriously and can take disciplinary action against anyone who intentionally accuses someone.

External reporting
It is also possible to report misconduct externally to a competent authority who can receive, provide feedback, and follow up on whistleblowing cases and, where applicable, to EU institutions, bodies, or agencies. Further information can be found in the link External reporting.

Owner of policy
Owner of this policy is Dragana Bixo. The policy will be reviewed once a year.